Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

Exlade Cryptic Disk Ultimate

Exlade Cryptic Disk Ultimate

Exlade Cryptic Disk Ultimate

Exlade Cryptic Disk Ultimate adalah enkripsi perangkat lunak profesional disk. Sebagai disk perangkat lunak enkripsi profesional menjaga data pada setiap jenis drive, Disk Cryptic akan menjadi pertahanan yang dapat diandalkan untuk file Anda di mana pun mereka berada. Program ini dapat membuat disk virtual encrypted disk serta mengenkripsi keras fisik (secara keseluruhan atau hanya partisi tertentu), drive USB dan kartu memori.

Data dienkripsi dengan menggunakan algoritma modern yang paling dapat diandalkan (AES / Rijndael, Serpent, Twofish, Blowfish, CAST6) dengan dukungan untuk modus XTS, yang khusus dikembangkan untuk mengenkripsi data pada hard disk. Enkripsi transparan memungkinkan bekerja dengan disk terenkripsi seperti dengan yang lain, tanpa kinerja komputer yang berdampak sedikit pun.

Enkripsi kaskade (penggunaan beberapa algoritma secara berurutan) memungkinkan disk perangkat lunak enkripsi untuk meningkatkan kekuatan kriptografi, dalam kasus Disk Cryptic dengan meningkatkan ukuran kunci enkripsi 256-2944 bit. Untuk keamanan tambahan, Disk Cryptic telah built-in perlindungan dari brute force password attacks dan keyloggers.

Jadi Disk Cryptic adalah software disk enkripsi yang paling dapat diandalkan hari ini untuk melindungi informasi pribadi dan data perusahaan rahasia dari upaya hacking. Tidak hanya program memenuhi semua standar keamanan yang berlaku umum, tetapi juga menawarkan sejumlah teknologi inovatif dan solusi yang unik di kelasnya.

English Info
As professional disk encryption software safeguarding data on any type of drive, Cryptic Disk will be a reliable defense for your files regardless of where they are located. The program can create virtual encrypted disks as well as encrypt physical hard disks (in their entirety or just certain partitions), USB drives and memory cards.

Data are encrypted using the most reliable modern algorithms (AES/Rijndael, Serpent, Twofish, Blowfish, CAST6) with support for XTS mode, which was specially developed for encrypting data on disk drives. Transparent encryption allows working with an encrypted disk just like with any other one, without the computer's performance being impacted in the slightest.

Cascade encryption (the use of multiple algorithms in sequence) allows disk encryption software to improve cryptographic strength, in the case of Cryptic Disk by increasing the encryption key size from 256 to 2944 bits. For additional security, Cryptic Disk has built-in protection from brute force password attacks and keyloggers.

Thus Cryptic Disk is the most reliable disk encryption software today for protecting personal information and secret corporate data from hacking attempts. Not only does the program meet all generally accepted security standards, but it boasts a number of innovative technologies and solutions unique in its class.

The key feature of the software Exlade Cryptic Disk Ultimate:
- Create virtual encrypted disks from container files
- Ability to encrypt hard disk partitions (internal and removable)
- Drive Encryption feature types, such as memory cards, USB drives and Pen drives without losing data
- No impact on PC performance
- The usability of the software without having to install it on your PC
- Support different algorithms for data encryption
- XTS mode for data encryption
- Support for the use of various algorithms to extract key losses such as HMAC-SHA-512, HMAC-RIPEMD-256, HMAC-Whirlpool
- Supports advanced encryption algorithm AES / Rijndael, Serpent, Twofish, Blowfish, CAST6
- Command line support
- Protection against password thieves
- Reliable protection against keyloggers
- Optimized for multiple processors
- You can set shortcuts
- Support for multi-user capabilities,
- etc

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Description: Exlade Cryptic Disk Ultimate Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Black2Share ItemReviewed: Exlade Cryptic Disk Ultimate Black2Share Creativoltz Updated at: 17.29.00