Minggu, 09 September 2012

Toolwiz Time Freeze

Toolwiz Time Freeze

Toolwiz Time Freeze

Toolwiz Time Freeze adalah perangkat lunat yang akan menjaga sistem PC kita tetap aman. Penerapan sistem terhadap perubahan yang tidak diinginkan dan kegiatan destruktif di disk yang dilindungi. Aplikasi ini hampir sama dengan aplikasi Freezer lainnya. Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan sobat mencobanya sendiri atau mungkin untuk menambah koleksi sobat, langsung aja yu kita ke Te Ka Pe ...

English Info
Toolwiz Time Freeze a protection system is a system for safe keeping. The application of the system against any unwanted changes and destructive activities in the protected disks. Real system with a single click puts you in a virtual protected environment and create a virtual copy of your actual system, all changes that may be unwanted or malicious software to be kept in the creation of is any change in your actual system. Starting with all these changes, restart the system to return to their previous state.

Some features of Toolwiz Time Freeze
- Protect files and folders against unwanted changes and also by putting password
- Keeping the system safe from threats from viruses, spyware, worms, Trojans, etc ...
- Enter and exit the virtual system is created with a single click without reboot
- Recycling and recovery system for easy removal of unwanted changes
- Support for Windows 7 and eight of 32 and 64 bit

Screen Shoot

Unduh File
Klik teks dibawah untuk unduh File
Pas RAR : black2share.blogspot.com

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Description: Toolwiz Time Freeze Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Black2Share ItemReviewed: Toolwiz Time Freeze Black2Share Creativoltz Updated at: 12.41.00