Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012

Mirillis Splash PRO EX Player 1.13.0

Mirillis Splash PRO EX Player 1.13.0

Mirillis Splash PRO EX Player 1.13.0

Mirillis Splash PRO EX Pemain 1.13.0 Salah satu aplikasi yang paling menarik yang dapat digunakan untuk menonton film, aplikasi ini mampu memisahkan berbagai format audio dan video playback HD video dan masih sangat populer saat ini, selain itu kualitas sound dan video yang dihasilkan cukup bagus dan masih banyak lagi keunggulan dari aplikasi ini. Aplikasi ini patut sobat coba sendiri, so silahkan sobat semua mencobanya atau mungkin hanya untuk menambah koleksi sobat, langsung aja yu kita ke Te Ka Pe ...

English Info
Mirillis Splash PRO EX Player 1.13.0 One of the most interesting applications that can be used to watch movies I love quality, powerful software without any codec that is able to separate the different formats of audio and video HD video playback and still very popular today, have come out to play. Due to the relatively low volume of optimized software and a course that took place in different parts of the high speed and the high speed of the software so users can without any form of high-quality video and audio, file trouble bulk to play audio and video.

The key feature of the software Mirillis Splash PRO EX Player:
- Software interface is very attractive.
- High speed run
- The quality of the video display
- Best sound output
- Support almost all formats of video and audio
- Adapted and optimized for multi-core processors and graphics processors
- Creation of several Playlist Yvzr
- Compatible with all digital cameras and automatic enforcement of existing film cameras
- Ability to save laptop battery
- Compatible with different versions of Windows, including popular Windows 7

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Description: Mirillis Splash PRO EX Player 1.13.0 Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Black2Share ItemReviewed: Mirillis Splash PRO EX Player 1.13.0 Black2Share Creativoltz Updated at: 11.09.00