Convert SWF to GIF menggunakan Magic Swf2Gif
Convert SWF to GIF menggunakan Magic Swf2Gif - Seandainya sobat mempunyai file animasi berbentuk swf, sobat bisa mengkonversi menggunakan Magic swf2gif untuk merubahnya menjadi file gif, penggunaan aplikasi ini cukup mudah sobat tinggal memasukan file (Add Files) yang akan di convert kemudian sobat tinggal klik tombol convert to gif, mudahkan. ga perlu berlama-lama lagi bagi sobat yang ingin mencobanya silahkan langsung ja ke Te Ka Pe ...
Fitur Magic Swf2Gif "
. Batch conversion for Swf to Gif.
. Automatically optimize the size of generated Gif.
. Convert to BMP and TGA images sequence.
. Capture a frame to a bmp file.
. Provide seek controller that help to fast locate frame number range for conversion.
. Support Flash 6 compressed movie.
. No skip frames during conversion.
. Customizable dimensions for exported video .
. Customizable frame rate for exported video .
. User specifies the s
Fitur Magic Swf2Gif "
. Batch conversion for Swf to Gif.
. Automatically optimize the size of generated Gif.
. Convert to BMP and TGA images sequence.
. Capture a frame to a bmp file.
. Provide seek controller that help to fast locate frame number range for conversion.
. Support Flash 6 compressed movie.
. No skip frames during conversion.
. Customizable dimensions for exported video .
. Customizable frame rate for exported video .
. User specifies the s
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