Minggu, 16 September 2012

Macro Express Pro

Macro Express Pro

Macro Express Pro

Makro Ekspres Pro software adalah alat yang ampuh yang dapat membantu kegiatan dan gerakan mouse dan perintah keyboard yang tersimpan di dalamnya dapat melakukan perintah untuk aplikasi secara otomatis.

Perangkat lunak ini juga mampu untuk membuat Hot Key. Jadi kita hanya dapat menekan dua atau lebih tombol pada keyboard. Kita dapat pergi ke alamat web yang berbeda untuk membuka web browser favorit kita dengan kombinasi tombol untuk membuka situs-situs favorit Anda. Untuk lebih jelasnya langsung aja kita ke Te Ka Pe...

English Info

Macro Express Pro

software is a powerful tool that can help events and mouse movements and keyboard commands stored in it can do commands to applications automatically. This software helps the user to store and orders to refrain from performing repetitive tasks. The software is also capable of doing anything to create a Hot Key. So you can only press two or more buttons on the keyboard, to reach your goal. For example, instead of using a Hot Key, you can go to several different unique web address to open your favorite web browser, type in the address and you can only do inter button with key combination to open your favorite websites .

The key feature of the software Macro Express:
- Ability to perform repetitive tasks, the computer automatically
- Ability to create shortcuts to run commands to start programs
- Wizard for initial configuration has the form
- When entering commands and optional advanced settings and recording events
- The ability to put a password in order to access personal safety
- And ..

SS --> http://www.macros.com/screen.htm

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Description: Macro Express Pro Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Black2Share ItemReviewed: Macro Express Pro Black2Share Creativoltz Updated at: 21.32.00