Rabu, 05 September 2012

Cosmetic Guide v1.5

Cosmetic Guide v1.5

Cosmetic Guide v1.5 adalah perangkat lunak yang akan membantu kita mengurangi kerutan halus, menonjolkan mata, mengurangi pembengkakan dan bengkak mata, menghapus tanda lahir dan noda, melakukan operasi hidung dan gigi pemutih. kita dapat melakukan semuanya ini pada foto!

Cosmetic Guide ini dirancang untuk membantu kita memperbaiki cacat pada photo secara langsung. untuk jelasnya silahkan sobat mencobanya sendiri atau mungkin untuk menambah koleksi sobat, langsung aja yu kita ke Te Ka Pe ...

English Info
Cosmetic Guide is a software that will help you smooth wrinkles, accentuate the eyes, reduce swelling and eye puffiness, delete birthmarks and blemishes, perform rhinoplasty and bleach teeth. You can do all of this right on the photo!

Your virtual cosmetic bag offers these tools:
Skin Care - give a younger look by reducing visible wrinkles and edemas;
Smart Path - can be used to remove skin moles and other skin imperfections;
Bleach Teeth - whiten teeth, can also be used for the whites of the eyes;
Emphasis - allows you to visually accentuate the eyes or other features;
Liquify - perform rhinoplasty, breast and muscle augmentation, and tummy tuck.
The Cosmetic Guide application was designed to help you correct cosmetic defects directly on photo.

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Description: Cosmetic Guide v1.5 Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Black2Share ItemReviewed: Cosmetic Guide v1.5 Black2Share Creativoltz Updated at: 20.38.00