Rabu, 22 Agustus 2012

SmartDraw 2012 Enterprise Edition

SmartDraw 2012 Enterprise Edition

SmartDraw 2012 Enterprise Edition

SmartDraw adalah sebuah aplikasi yang dapat membantu Anda dengan mudah mengatur presentasi, grafik, grafik dan lain-lain, untuk tujuan bisnis. User interface dari program ini adalah bersih dan intuitif. Anda dapat membuat diagram dan grafik, denah, diagram alur, matriks, peta pikiran, diagram jaringan, storyboard PowerPoint, grafik proyek dan jadwal. Tapi Anda juga dapat membuat representasi penyebab-dan-efek, 3D, pie dan grafik nilai relatif, pohon keputusan, merger perusahaan, keputusan pengembangan, analisis risiko keuangan dan pohon proyek pembangunan.

Selain itu, Anda dapat membuat visual untuk teknik dan skema (misalnya aliran data, entri diagram hubungan), denah dan lansekap, flowchart, selebaran, dan, sertifikat bentuk dan dokumentasi. Sobat juga dapat fokus pada peta dan geografi, grafik pemasaran, jaringan dan webdesign, presentasi (balanced scorecard misalnya, diagram siklus), perencanaan proyek (misalnya waktu), perangkat lunak desain, strategi dan perencanaan, dan banyak lagi. Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan sobat mencobanya sendiri atau mungkin untuk menambah koleksi sobat, langsung aja yu kita ke Te Ka Pe ...

English Info
SmartDraw is an application that can help you easily organize presentations, charts, graphs and others, for business purposes. The user interface of the program is clean and intuitive. You can create charts and graphs, floor plans, flowcharts, a matrix, mind maps, network diagrams, PowerPoint storyboards, project charts and timelines. But you can also create a cause-and-effect representation, 3D, pie and relative value charts, decision tree, company merger, development decision, financial risk analysis and project development tree.

Furthermore, you can create a visual for engineering and schematics (e.g. data flow, entry relationship diagram), floor plans and landscaping, flowcharts, flyers and certificates, forms and documentation. Moreover, you can focus on maps and geography, marketing charts, network and webdesign, presentations (e.g. balanced scorecard, cycle diagram), project planning (e.g. timeline), software design, strategy and planning, and more. Once you have selected a template, you can use selection tools (e.g. all shapes, all lines), add text and shapes (e.g. rounded rectangle, oval, rounded square), as well as draw arrowheads and lines (e.g. straight, curved, shape connector).

In addition, you can select a theme, insert tables, pictures, maps, notes and comments, add symbols (e.g. standard shapes like circles, rectangles and starts), fill with colors (e.g. set gradient, texture and hatch), add effects (shadow, reflection, glow, bevel, gloss, perspective), change font style, attributes and color, configure paragraph settings, and more. Once you are satisfied with the results, you can save the project for further editing or export it to a PDF file (if you install a third-party component, with the help of SmartDraw). The program uses a moderate-to-high amount of system resources, includes a comprehensive help file and works smoothly. We haven\'t encountered any problems during our tests. Since SmartDraw is extremely easy to work with, we recommend it to all users. This is a must-have application.

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Description: SmartDraw 2012 Enterprise Edition Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Black2Share ItemReviewed: SmartDraw 2012 Enterprise Edition Black2Share Creativoltz Updated at: 19.42.00