Senin, 09 Juli 2012

PGWare PCMedik v6.7.9.2012

PGWare PCMedik v6.7.9.2012


PCMediklangsung membuat komputer Anda lebih cepat dan perbaikan masalah umum yang terkait dengan menurunnya kinerja komputer dengan PCMedik kita dapat menormalkan kecepatan komputer. PCMedik cepat memindai komputer kita untuk masalah umum dan perbaikan komputer

Jangan berurusan dengan komputer yang lambat dan membuat tugas-tugas yang dapat membutuhkan waktu lebih lama untuk menyelesaikannya, cobalah menginstal PCMedik dan komputer kita akan berjalan lebih cepat.

Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan sobat semua untuk mencobanya sendiri atau hanya sekedar menambah koleksi sobat saja, langsung aja yu kita Ke Te Ka Pe .....

Englis Info
PCMedik instantly makes your computer faster and fixes common problems associated with frustrating slowdowns and errors. Do you remember when you first turned your brand new computer on and how fast it worked? With PCMedik and a click of the mouse you can bring back this speed to your computer instantly.

PCMedik quickly scans your computer for common problems and fixes them, it then makes several permanent changes to Windows so your computer feels like it is brand new once again. Don't deal with a slow computer and make tasks take longer to complete, install PCMedik and make your computer run faster. Over time as you install new and updated software, you get the impression your computer is slower due to these applications being more demanding of faster hardware.

PCMedik makes your computer faster by making several changes to Windows settings; for instance it turns off several animations that degrade performance, instructs the CPU how to prioritize background tasks, how files are loaded and written to the hard drive, changes to the way memory is used when programs use the memory swap file and dozens of other performance settings. With these system changes made to Windows and the fixes to common problems, your computer will run faster and operate like it is brand new.

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Description: PGWare PCMedik v6.7.9.2012 Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Black2Share ItemReviewed: PGWare PCMedik v6.7.9.2012 Black2Share Creativoltz Updated at: 22.32.00